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Gaelscoil agus Naíscoil Neachtain, Dungiven, Derry

Bliotz an tAthair ó Gallchóir

10th May 2024

Bhí mí-ádh ar pháistí na Gaelscoile inniu i mbliotz an tAthair Ó Gallchóir. Rinne siad go hiontach fáil go dtí an cluiche ceannais ach chaill siad i ndiadh am breise le dhá phointe. Eacht iontach é fáil go dtí an cluiche ceannais agus bá chóir daofa bheith iontach brodúil as an iarracht a bhí déanta acu.

The Gaelscoil children were unfortunate to lose out in the final of the Fr. Gallagher cup today. They played excellently to reach the final where the lost by 2 points after extra time. All of the children should be extremely proud of the effort they put into the tournament.